Guess what?!? Another milestone!! Today I did my fortieth 20 minute clean up at Wrightsville Beach!! With feverish kids, my husband stayed home and I met up with my friend Bonnie (of
The Plastic Ocean) and her friend Goffinet (
from Pawley's Island, SC) at Access 16.
Goffinet and Bonnie in front of Johnnie Mercer's Pier
I was really excited about heading out to the beach today because the weather was GORGEOUS!!! (near 70's!!!) And while I love the beach and have done clean ups in 30 degree weather... it sure is a lot more enjoyable when I can feel my fingers and my nose isn't cold and red ;) I had such a great time talking to Bonnie and Goffinet about our common efforts and how together we can do SO much more...
I hadn't been out to do a clean up at Wrightsville Beach since before my husband and I went to the Sundance Film Festival....but that doesn't mean that Wrightsville Beach didn't receive the gift of a 20 minute clean up. During the filming of my
FilterForGood Film back in December...
Holly, Jeremy and Courtney drove down from Holly Springs, NC to support my project. (
How cool is that?!) Last weekend, they visited Wilmington to tour Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise... and they also made it to Wrightsville Beach to do a 20 minute clean up at Johnnie Mercer's Pier... while it was snowing!!!!! They had to sort down through the snow... but they managed to get all this litter... which included 30 cigarette butts :) YAY!!!!
Courtney at the pavilion at Access 16 on January 22, 2011:) |
My friend Julie, along with her husband and two young children, have also been busy cleaning up Wrightsville Beach. Yesterday, they went to Access 8 and removed litter including 11 straws and 64 cigarette butts. They also made it out to Wrightsville Beach today!! AND... guess where they went?!!!
The ever popular Johnnie Mercer's Pier where they picked up 201 cigarette butts!!! What I find so interesting about that number is that I met Bonnie and Gaffinet at that same spot around 11am... and Julie and her family were there just a few hours after us!! I would've thought that Bonnie, Gaffinet and I had cleared that area of it's butts... obviously not.
20 minutes on January 30, 2011
Litter by weight: 1 lb 6 oz
Cigarette butts: 264
Total amount of cigarette butts picked up on Wrightsville Beach, NC in 40 days:
Absolutely amazing number of cigarette butts. When I did a beach clean up at Litchfield Beach last summer, we were also astounded at the quantity of these toxic, polluting items, most of which make their way into the ocean whith outgoing tides. It is little wonder that our marine life is in peril.