This page is a work in progress ;) It'll come together... eventually ;)
During the week of September 26, I challenged our family of 5 to a week of no foods in plastic. The rules were simple: If the package had plastic (even a plastic coating or window) I wouldn't buy it. Our only exception was to buy milk in reusable glass bottles with a plastic lid. For 7 days, I shared what we ate and how I made it plastic-free... we even went camping on days 6 & 7!!
Plastic-Free Food Week: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Days 6 & 7
Guest blog post on "My Plastic Free Life aka Fake Plastic Fish": Collect Your Plastic. Change Your Life.
Good Morning:
- Butternut Squash Ravioli with these plastic-free changes.
- Vegetable & Bean Tamale Pie
- Creamy Tomato Soup
- Lemony Pasta & Broccoli
- Vegetarian Fried-Rice
- Southwest Quinoa & Potato Croquettes
- (Plastic-Free) Sweet Corn Tomalito