A lot happened this past year... a lot of AMAZING wonderful things have happened. Not long after I published my first post, I started to receive comments and emails from people telling me that this blog was going to have a bigger impact than I knew... (they were right)
Then in mid-September, on a whim, before I really knew anything about how bad cigarette litter really is... I entered my project in the Brita FilterForGood Film Project. It's now been 8 months since three amazing and talented guys came and filmed our family of five for 3 days to make a short film meant to motivate and inspire people to become active in their own communities...

In saying that, I've connected with the MOST amazingly supportive and inspiring people (I really want to make a list, but it would be SO long and I know that you all know who you are :) )... proof to me that when we give without expectations... the most amazing "gifts" come barreling towards us... it's true that we indeed "get what we give." I have so much gratitude for every person who has joined my family and me at Wrightsville Beach this past year to help make it a little bit cleaner -- including our neighbors who helped us clean up last night. :)
...reminiscing is fun. I'm just feeling so much gratitude for the past year... this project has gotten more attention than I ever could have ever imagined... Thanks to all of the media outlets and bloggers who have taken the time to do a story on this mom trying to make a difference in our world. :)
Hmmm... if you know me personally... you know how I would often say, "I'm *just* a mom" ... but so much has changed because of this simple project. So when earlier in the year I saw this quote I felt it completely summed up this whole "Our Daily Ocean" year:
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be." ~Patanjali
20 minutes on August 9, 2011 at Access 43
Litter by weight: 5 lbs .9 oz
Cigarette butts: 378
Total amount of cigarette butts removed from Wrightsville Beach, NC in 85 days:
Even though I'm now 6 states away, I still love reading your blog! Thank you for all you and your family do!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that. Making a difference is as simple as we let it be. And reaching out to a stranger is (almost) always a good idea. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
ReplyDeleteSplish, Splash, Splish, Splash. Waves jump for joy! Fish soar underwater dancing and racing through seas of green and blue. Starfish stand up on two legs and clap with two others. Mother turtles curtsy toward W.beach in N.C.
ReplyDeleteAll Hail Danielle & Family and all the unnamed heroes who help clean up littered trash on the beaches and elsewhere.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DANIELLE-IT STARTED, but better yet, it continues....
Don't know if it's possible to say "thank you" too much... but here goes anyway... thank you thank you thank you!!! :)
ReplyDelete@ Jennifer... I look forward to you making it back down to NC so we can finally meet up... totally bummed that I missed you while you were here!
@desi Yes, it's so simple to make a difference... no special degrees required!! :)
@Bernie I always appreciate... actually LOVE your way with congratulating me/us! Smiling from ear to ear with a happy happy heart!