Friday, July 8, 2011

That's (Still) My Ride

Not long ago, my friend's husband mentioned that I might have gone overboard with the amount of bumper stickers that I have on my car.  Funny that it all started  a little over a year ago with just three and now I have 22!  Ok... maybe that is a lot, but I can't seem help myself.  So I keep adding flair to share with other drivers (or passer-bys) who I am because I totally like to express myself ;)  (...and see people smile)

Yup, I'm the girl who says "F*@k Plastic"... loves the beach, believes in community and equality, supports local... and well, so much more.  Hi! I'm Danielle.... you know me ;)

Hmmm... the left side is looking a little bare... don't ya think??!! 


  1. Oh yeah, you have room for at least 3 more!

  2. You make me feel like my 4 bumper stickers are downright trivial! My absolute favorite was a gift from a co-worker who knew me too well. It reads "Caution: Driver Singing!"

  3. Too much for my A.D.D. :)
    As for who I am... just watched a PBS clip about an org-(Carrotmob)that "Uses carrots, not sticks, to get companies to do good."
    I need to get a CARROTMOB bumper sticker.

  4. FYI, Carrotmob clip can be seen at:

  5. @Angry Butterfly Definitely at LEAST 3 more!! ;) Must be very selective in my next selections as space is dwindling!

    @EcoCatLady 4 is a good number! I obviously have too many favorites :) I ended up with a bunch after I ordered 1 from Blend Apparel... instead of sending me the one I ordered... they sent me a whole envelope full!! Unexpected gifts rock!! :)

    @Bernie Thanks so much for sharing the Carrotmob organization... the video isn't available (bummer)... but I'm looking them up on youtube! Very cool. :)

  6. "Pluckfastic" is pretty good though... almost good enough to make me consider upping it to 5!

  7. Yes... 5 is a very good number!! Pluckfastic was one of my first three... it was my "I'm totally going to put bumper stickers all over the back of my car" sticker... so be prepared... it could happen to you too ;)

  8. Yeah, you need more stickers for the left side. I like your 1ove sticker. It's the one that stands out. This inspires me to start filling the back of my car with advocacy bumper stickers.

    -Leisa Dreps

  9. @ Leisa I have gotten more bumper stickers!! :)

    1ove is pretty popular... in fact, back in September someone stole my 1ove sticker :( Thankfully, I was so fortunate to have a new one plus some given to me :)

    So now I have on the left side:

    Water it's all recycled (surfrider)
    I love my beach (surfrider)
    Life Rolls On

    On the right side: The "more profits, more cancer" sticker was paper so it disintegrated. In its place I now have I <3 <3 and I also added

    No Puffin
    Clean Water
    Surf City Surf Shop

    It's so much more balanced now... but I'm really running out of room!!!

  10. Hoho, that’s a pretty cool way of expressing yourself, Danielle! Well, you’ll certainly catch the attention of people with all those on your bumper. I’m proud of you for having the guts to stand up for what you believe and actually show it to people. You’re the kind of person who can actually start a change. :)

