Kevin has been an amazing supporter of my project from the moment I got the congratulatory email! AND... because of his support....I'm feeling like I should rewind a bit. ;) You see this is all coming somewhat full circle. And so the story goes.....
Back in February, I visited my friend in Los Angeles and we went to Cord Progression... a concert to benefit Life Rolls On and Spinal Cord Injury Awareness. I left the concert feeling inspired. I got home picked up Wrightsville Beach Magazine....and there in front of me was the information for Life Rolls On at WB. I immediately called the local contact (yep... that was Kevin)... then emailed him my information to add me to the volunteer list. Fast forward to August, after having visited my friend Sara who writes The Daily Ocean (more inspiration)... I "volunteered" at the LRO event held by Ocean Cure.... it was at that LRO event that I ran into the mayor of Wrightsville Beach--David Cignotti-- and had my "epiphany" about what "I" could do to help with the cigarette butt litter problem on Wrightsville Beach.
Back in February, I visited my friend in Los Angeles and we went to Cord Progression... a concert to benefit Life Rolls On and Spinal Cord Injury Awareness. I left the concert feeling inspired. I got home picked up Wrightsville Beach Magazine....and there in front of me was the information for Life Rolls On at WB. I immediately called the local contact (yep... that was Kevin)... then emailed him my information to add me to the volunteer list. Fast forward to August, after having visited my friend Sara who writes The Daily Ocean (more inspiration)... I "volunteered" at the LRO event held by Ocean Cure.... it was at that LRO event that I ran into the mayor of Wrightsville Beach--David Cignotti-- and had my "epiphany" about what "I" could do to help with the cigarette butt litter problem on Wrightsville Beach.
SO... today when I saw David Cignotti walk up at Access 10 to see Kevin throw down... well... by this point I'm sure you get where I'm going... FULL circle ;) Here's my point in sharing all of this... had I not went to the LRO concert... I would've never emailed Kevin... I would've never volunteered for LRO... then I would've never emailed him my project (because his email wouldn't have been auto-added to my address book)......
Ripple effects... they happen all around us. Everything we do makes a difference.

I tell my friend Sara-- who I connected to because of The Daily Ocean--all the time that the best thing about having started all of this-- 20 minute collections, counting and tallying cigarette butts-- is connecting with a community of people who care about the same things.
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or verify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." (love that!!!... thanks Ginger!!)-Jack Kerouac
Check out Kevin surf a wave while blindfolded, feet tied and in a headstand in very uncooperative surf conditions.... it was quick but SO freakin' cool!! (Special thanks to my new pal Surf for posting on wblivesurf and getting the conversation started that led to this...)
I am so grateful for everyone-- family, friends, and my community-- for supporting my Brita FilterForGood Film Project-- Our Daily Ocean: A Story of Butts-- 100% and beyond!!! It's your support that is going to get my project made into a short film!! YAY!!!! {{HUGS}}
20 minutes on October 22, 2010
Litter picked up by weight: 6.7 oz
Cigarette Butts: 160
Total amount of cigarette butts picked up off of Wrightsville Beach, NC in 15 days:
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