Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Daily Ocean: Day 10

It's been almost a week since we've been to Wrightsville Beach.  Last Friday when we went for a 20 minute clean-up and interview with Lumina News (check out the article here)... we discovered that 2 of our kids were quite sick.  BOO! Now that everyone is back to their healthy selves, it was time to get back to the beach!!  YAY!!

While on the beach... I said to myself, "How many more pictures of cigarette butts can I take??"  

I LOVE Wrightsville Beach... it's absolutely beautiful.  I don't think that I say that enough here.  I LOVE it so much that I just don't understand how people can trash it.

After walking a bit and following a trail of cigarette butts (if I haven't mentioned it yet... there is always a trail of butts), I came upon this:

So I started picking up butts... then I looked in front of me... then to my left... and all I could see was butts.

So I sat... and I sat... and I scooted... as I picked up over 200 cigarette butts in a 10'x10' area.  There's something so wrong with that....

My daughter in the background... and butts in the foreground.

After every 20 minute clean-up, I've calculated our averages.  On average we're picking up 356 butts per day... OR... almost 18 butts per minute.  18 butts PER MINUTE!!  And we're not even "all business"... I take play... our kids never forget to have fun.  It's the beach... that's what it's for ;)

My son saw a tent stake bag in the grasses... and a game ensued.

20 minutes on September 16, 2010

Cigarette Butts: 625  (I don't know what is going on :(... )

This is a close up of the "group" picture... check out the entire "group" photo on Facebook.
Total amount of cigarette butts picked up off of Wrightsville Beach, NC in 10 days:


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