Saturday, September 4, 2010

It Starts With Us: Contact a Restaurant

Yesterday, I was talking to Ginger of The Wrightsville Beach Sea Turtle Project and through talking with her, I remembered that after picking up so much restaurant litter at Access 36 I had made the decision to contact the oceanfront restaurant Oceanic (and had forgotten to post about it!! ooops!)

On August 24, I wrote Oceanic Restaurant on Wrightiville Beach about the restaurant litter and employee smoking area under the pier.  This is what I wrote:

"Hi,  My name is Danielle and over the past several years I have participated in many beach sweeps at Wrightsville Beach.  Most recently, I have started doing 20 minute litter clean-ups at WB to help get smoking banned on the beach strand.  During 2 of my clean-ups, I ended up at access 36.  Cleaning up from access 36 towards the Oceanic pier it is evident that besides cigarette butts and other litter... there is a lot of litter from your restaurant (as well as what appears to be an employee smoking area under the pier close to the restaurant).  As a restaurant on the beach, Oceanic has an opportunity to "do things different"... why not clean up around your restaurant?  The grasses are littered with restaurant trash blown from the pier.  Or why not get rid of straws, plastic wrappers and such for dining on the pier?  or better yet... all together because I can't tell you how many of the clear with blue plastic candy wrappers that I picked up.  Here are the 2 posts that I did from access 36 to your pier...:

Thank you for your time on this issue of environmental responsibility."

These grasses (and litter) are on the North side of Oceanic and the litter is only a fraction of what comes from the restaurant.  
SO... I ask... do YOU live in the Wilmington/ WB area?  Go to access 36... see it for yourself.  Then contact Oceanic and let them know your thoughts.

But, hey... if you don't live locally in my community...  contact a restaurant (or other business) in your community that you see could make some changes to better the environment... they'll never know it's important to us unless we tell them! ;)

"We cannot do everything at once, but we can do SOMETHING at once."  
~Calvin Coolidge

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