Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our Daily Ocean: Day 158

Since August of 2010, I've done a lot of beach clean ups.  Because I spend a good amount picking up things at the beach, I've found a fair amount of sea glass ... I've even found and returned a cell phone... but mostly, I've picked up more trash than I would have ever thought possible (and this project is still far from over).

On Sunday, while finishing up my 20 minute beach clean up with my friend Tracy, she found something very rare and what I think is one of the most incredible beach finds EVER-- a roll of film!!!!

A completely intact roll of film!!
Now I'm not sure how long it takes for a film canister to start to rust... but from what we can tell everything looks completely sealed and most likely there are pictures inside just waiting to be developed.  Yes, Tracy and I are both SO curious about what's on this professional black & white film, that Tracy is taking the film to have it developed! (stay tuned!)  
20 minutes on September 16, 2012 at Access 36
Cigarette butts: 343
Straws: 31
Total amount of cigarette butts removed from Wrightsville Beach, NC in 158 days:


  1. Wow! That’s really a lot of cigarette butts. I wish there will be more people like you who value the importance of having a clean environment. I salute you for your dedication.

  2. You’re amazing! This is such a great act. I commend your act of cleaning the beach. A 20-minute clean up is already a big thing. I salute you for this.

  3. Oh! That’s quite a lot of cigarette butts. But if everyone is just like you, I guess we will have a clean environment.

  4. Oh my! That is quite a number of cigarette butts. If only there are more people like you than those number of cigarette butts thrown, then I guess we will enjoy cleaner beach. And I really salute you for your advocacy in cleaning the beaches.
