Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our Daily Ocean: Day 118

As you all may know by now, I am very committed to helping clean up Wrightsville Beach.  Right now, my focus is helping Wrightsville Beach become the FIRST smoke-free beach in NC.  One may think that based on the number of cigarette butts we've picked up in 118 days (39,454)... that Wrightsville Beach going smoke-free would be a no-brainer.  But (unfortunately) it's not.  There are some who believe there isn't a problem.  However, I beg to differ.
As Wrightsville Beach Mayor Cignotti, said in a recent interview "...if you're not going to dispose of your cigarette butt properly with a disposal container right next to you, what are you going to do on the beach?  And I think we all know what happens on the beach."
On Friday, we did our 21st twenty minute beach clean up at Access 16.  In fact, Access 16 is one of our most visited accesses.  In December of 2010, my Brita FilterForGood Film was filmed there.  After the film was screened at the Brita event at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and then subsequently aired on the Sundance Channel for 5 months... many people have asked me what happened after the town hall meeting??  (... yeah... the after is still happening.) 

In the film, I say.. "What kind of difference can we make together versus being one person?" On March 8th, I hope that I can say, "Just look at the difference we made together.  Together-- WE-- made this a reality."

Support of Smoke-Free Wrightsville Beach and then share with your family and friends.

20 minutes on February 17, 2012 at Access 16
Litter by weight: 10.5 oz
Cigarette butts: 392
Total amount of cigarette butts removed from Wrightsville Beach, NC in 118 days:

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