For the past couple of years, I have been homeschooling my three children. It's not something that I ever thought I could do or would do, but here I am doing it.
(and, it's pretty darn awesome!) At the end of last school year, I told myself that this year was going to be the year of art. Wherever I can work art in for my kids... that's what we're doing. So, when
Earth Paint contacted me about reviewing an organic, eco-friendly paint kit made from natural earth pigments (and made in the USA)... I couldn't say no... because really... I never even knew that eco-friendly paints existed.
When the
Earth Paint Children's Paint Kit arrived at our house, my kids excitement couldn't be contained. We waited for a nice day to sit out at the picnic table and paint... free from having to worry about anything...
Paint on the table? No problem. Paint on feet? No worries. Since the paints are made from natural earth pigments and no petroleum or toxins, there really were no worries about anything. One of the most noticeable differences is that with Earth Paint there's no funky smell
(you know the normal intoxicating paint smell, right?)! We painted outside, but we could have easily painted in a small indoor room and not have been bothered by any strong odor.
And as my kids painted leaves, pressed them on paper, and then let them go in the wind... I couldn't help but feel good knowing that I wasn't putting anything unnatural into the environment.... or on their skin. Yeah, my kids painted their hands, feet and at one point I found them in full tribal mode!
We had a blast painting with Earth Paints. The colors were super vibrant... really unbelievable how beautiful the colors are. (Though, really it shouldn't have been a surprise... the natural colors of our Earth are amazingly beautiful.) One of my favorite things about the paints is that they come in powdered form and all I had to do was add water to the consistency that we wanted to use-- from thick tempura like paint to watercolors this paint covered anything we would want to do. PLUS, it washed off my kids very nicely ;)

Since I focus a good amount of my time on refusing/reducing plastics, I think it's worth noting that when I opened the kit to find some little plastic cups and the powdered paints packaged in small baggies, I was a little bummed. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I emailed them to see if they thought about switching to plastic-free packaging. And I'm glad I did because I learned that the baggies and the cups are both biodegradable and compostable. (yes, I prefer reusable... but biodegradable/compostable is a million times better than anything I could ever find at a craft store). Another thing is all of the paper packaging is 100% post-consumer recycled and printed with vegetable based inks!!

It's nice knowing that the focus of Earth Paint is to be as eco-friendly as possible because it's better for the environment and our health. It makes me happy because that's really what every business should be doing. ... and for me, businesses that put environment before profit are businesses that I get excited about supporting. I vote with my $$ and from now on this small family owned business has my support!!!
To learn more about Earth Paint, visit their
**Thanks to Earth Paint for sending me a Children's Kit to review. All opinions expressed are my own and I was in no way obligated to give a positive review. :)