The sight immediately made me think about my daughter's field trip a few days earlier when I was throwing away a piece of of my daughter's teachers said, "Don't look in the trash." She knows me... she knows that I would have serious issues with what I saw-- plastic bottles in the trash. I said, "I don't know why it bothers me so much. Why I just can't let it go." (I'm constantly apologizing for things like this. But my daughter's teachers... awesome that they are...told me that I have inspired them... way to make a girl feel good and way to make a girl Rethink apologizing for wanting to make a difference ;).)
Anyway... back to the overflowing trash can at the park. As we were walking up, there were people leaving... so I walked past the trash can. I waited for the people to be on their way...and while I waited I picked up some litter. Here's one of many pieces I picked up around the playground.

Then, once they headed to the parking lot... I made my move. I grabbed the recycle bin-- that was only a couple of steps away from the trash can-- and pulled it closer and took off the lid. Then a friend arrived with her kids and my oldest son in tow. I went to apologize for digging through the trash... but then said, "This is what I do." :) My friend stood and talked to me as I pulled every bottle and can out of the trash... even found bags of bottles!! Yes... there were moments when it was all a little gross... especially the can with cigarette ashes all over it. YUCK!
When I was done... by done, I mean... got every bottle/can that I could see...I put the bins back and THOROUGHLY washed my hands. ;)
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