Tuesday evening it rained... ok... more like it poured. So I wasn't surprised when I went to Wrightsville Beach Wednesday morning to find a lot of forgotten items. Wednesday morning was the day of the shoes... and socks. Ummm.... who wears socks to the beach????
Out of all the mornings that I've gone to the beach, Wednesday was the nicest. The humidity finally lifted and there was a nice ocean breeze. I know that I say it often, but I absolutely LOVE where I live. I'm grateful that I can go to the beach on a whim.... stay for hours or just 20 minutes. It's always time well spent.
July 16, 2014 at Access 24
Litter by weight: 3 lbs 1.2 oz
Cigarette butts: 12
Total cigarette butts removed: 58,169